Wow! A hooman who doesn't throw rocks!

Today started pretty much the same way every other day starts. Rocky and I found a piece of cardboard and some old rags to sleep on last night so we were a little more comfortable than usual but this morning we kinda smell bad, worse than usual, and my skin is really itching bad and then it stings when I scratch it, especially on my face.

There wasn't much food to be found this morning, somebody put a big rock on top of the garbage can so we cound't get into it. I'm really hungry and Rocky is too. So we headed off to a new place to see if there was anything to eat there.

I was a little afraid because I saw some hoomans there but Rocky ran ahead and I didn't want to leave him so I followed. As usual they started throwing stuff at us and yelling "You mangy mutts, get outta here!" Rocky let out a yelp when something hit him and I stopped to wait with him till he could go again.

But then something really strange happened... the hoomans stopped throwing stuff at us and one of them was walking toward us! "Run Rocky!" I yelled, but he just sat there and I think I saw him wag his tail. I figured we were gonners, but then I saw what the hooman was doing. He was holding out some food for us! And it was good! He gave us some water too, and then took him with us in his car back to where he lived. Things are looking up!

Love, Normie

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