Our sad story begins...

Sometime early in 2007, Rockie and I were born. We can't remember much about our early days, in fact, as long as we can remember, every day has pretty much been the same as every other day. We wake up in a cold uncomfortable place, then check out all the garbage dumps we can find for anything we can eat. Today I found something wiggling in the grass so I ate it. It tasted yukky, but at least it stopped that pain in my stomach for a minute or two.

We dodge those big things on the road that I think are called cars, and try to stay away from those two legged "hoomans" because most of them throw rocks and stuff at us and it hurts. I figure as long as I have Rocky with me and he has me with him, we'll figure out a way to stay alive because I think that's what we're supposed to do.

Love, Normie

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