Frosty paws and blueberry muffins for Rocky

WOW! What a fun day! My Godmother Alex came to see me. Normally she comes and we go practice "sit" and "down" and "take it nice", but this time we went for a ride! The place we went to had lots of grass and trees and a zillion other hoomans and other guys like me! WHAT FUN!! Godmother Alex said it was called "Bark in the Park", but that didn't mean I was supposed to bark!

A lot of people came to meet me and I was thinking I would choose so many of them to be my new fambly! Everyone was very friendly and I hope some of them are still thinking about me because I'm thinking about them!

Besides meeting people, I got lots of treats, and discovered that I LOVE blueberry muffins and frosty paws! YUMMM! (I don't think I was supposed to have the blueberry muffin, but everyone else was taking them so I took one too.)

When I finally got back to Camp Bark I was soooo tired. I wanted to tell everyone about my big day, but I was too sleepy! Even when foster mom Cindy came to see me all I could do was lift my head and say "Please turn out the lights, I just want to sleep!"

Anyway, I want to thank my Godmother Alex for taking me for such a fun day.

Love, Rocky

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